Experimentation with Colour

7th January 2022 After looking at Phyllida Barlow I decided to experiment and incorporate some colour. I wanted the colours to be bright, bold and vibrant much like Barlow’s work grabbing the attention of the viewer creating an automatic connection between the two. The colour is to represent the life that once was there and …

Winter Planning and Reflection

Today was our last day in University until the new year. All deadlines to date have been met and submitted much to my worry. Although, I’m trying to think positively about everything that I have completed in regards to project and class work to date as I have found parts of this semester slightly overwhelming …

Phyllida Barlow

Phyllida Barlow is an artist that is influenced by everyday objects that people are surrounded by in everyday life. Barlow uses an interesting and unusual combination of materials ranging from fabric, wood and tar to create her artworks. Barlow’s work is large in scale filling a space and/ or room and as the artist has …

Reflections on Collaboration One

collaboration one was the first of many collaborations to happen during the year ahead. It was a peer collaboration with fellow Art and Contemporary Practice students within the university from both the Perth and Inverness campuses. This collaboration worked under the act of call and response after being given a random sentence that was generated …