Collaboration Three – Resolved Artwork

The collaborative artwork making process with Martine was such a lovely experience. It was nice to finally work and collaborate in the same space and make the resolved artwork together incorporating both of our elements to make it all happen. Below Is the resolved video of the artwork interacting with the elements in relation to …

Reflection on Collaboration Two

Collaboration two was my second collaboration of the year and was an intense experience. as part of the project we were to collaborate with Music students at the university. As a collaborative group we all got on well having similar ideas of how the artwork should look and what the overall structure of the project …

Paloma Bosque

Paloma Bosque is a Brazilian Contemporary artist who’s artworks are shaped around the ridged laws of physics and chemistry, whilst keeping an open mind towards change at the same time. The opacity of textures in a material or its pliability is what draws Bosques’ attention, as well as its weight and weightlessness. Once again the …

Collaborative Project Reflection

The project to this date is in the very final stages of production. As a collaborative group (Stuart Doyle (myself),Martine dos Reis and Kayleigh Myles) we are waiting on a few things coming together to make the artwork more resolved and finalised. Martine and myself throughout the project have been working remotely in our homes …

Inclusion of Text

After meeting as a collaborative group, we decided that by including a text element it would add structure and another dimension to the artwork. As we were focusing on nature, we decided to look at Latin words associated with pollution, destruction and modification.  After researching words associated with destruction and deforestation Martine and Myself decided to …

Nury Gonzalez

Nury Gonzalez is the director of Chile’s Museo de Arte Popular Americano (MPOA). Gonzalez has been working hard to expand its collection of latin American handcrafted artefacts. The Forgotten Fabric was a collaborative based artwork between Gonzalez and Lebanese artist Marwa Arsanios. Arsanios sent Gonzalez four curtain panels that had been removed by the artist …

Oscar Murillo

Within Murillo’s work he uses a large variety of materials to produce his artworks such as latex, drift wood, textiles, old bank notes and dirt. These materials help Murillo achieve his distinctive abstract style displaying his gestural movements including large rips and varying surfaces showing the fragility and vulnerability of his work. Murillo coats the …