Shape, Colour, Shadow and Collage

Today I was experimenting with shape, colour, shadow and collage in relation to areas within the garden. I wanted to create something that was bold and related to the ever-changing and contrasting shapes within the garden. I have been looking at Grayson Perry and his bold use of colour within this work and it has …

Seed Culture

After looking at the culture behind zines and their nature to share small artworks created by artists, collectives and organisations. I have found strong connections between both the seed share culture and the world of artists zines. The theme of sharing a small delicately made package is something that anyone can and will cherish. I …


After looking at the spaces in and around the plants in the garden I wanted to continue to analyse the delicate structure and the play with the idea of preservation. Two of my all time favourite plants are both Foxgloves and Anemones after deciding to work with them I wanted this artwork and exercise to …

Reflections on Collaboration One

collaboration one was the first of many collaborations to happen during the year ahead. It was a peer collaboration with fellow Art and Contemporary Practice students within the university from both the Perth and Inverness campuses. This collaboration worked under the act of call and response after being given a random sentence that was generated …

Devron Projects

This talk by Devron Projects was carried out by Robyn Wolsey on behalf of the organisation. Devron Projects is based in Huntly, Aberdeenshire and is a socially engaged arts centre. The centre is a contemporary arts organisation that use the town of Huntly as a their gallery space as they don’t have one. Their main …