Reflection on Collaboration Two

Collaboration two was my second collaboration of the year and was an intense experience. as part of the project we were to collaborate with Music students at the university. As a collaborative group we all got on well having similar ideas of how the artwork should look and what the overall structure of the project …

Winter Planning and Reflection

Today was our last day in University until the new year. All deadlines to date have been met and submitted much to my worry. Although, I’m trying to think positively about everything that I have completed in regards to project and class work to date as I have found parts of this semester slightly overwhelming …

Phyllida Barlow

Phyllida Barlow is an artist that is influenced by everyday objects that people are surrounded by in everyday life. Barlow uses an interesting and unusual combination of materials ranging from fabric, wood and tar to create her artworks. Barlow’s work is large in scale filling a space and/ or room and as the artist has …

My Studio

As a multimedia artist working in both 2D and 3D my workspace/ studio space can vary quite a lot. I can sometimes be in the dining room, or the lounge, or the study or my garden. My working style and pattern aren’t like most I know I am rather fluid but also ridged when it …

Swan Lake – The Final Form

The resolved artwork and zine looks at and explores the connections and conversations that can be had around the seed sharing and zine sharing community that is ever-growing. I have looked at the interactive quality aiming to make the artwork a useable and functional product for the consumer. Another key factor within the production of …