I have been exploring the idea of exhibiting my work and framing it like a piece of art or an artefact would be like in a gallery/ museum setting showing that this object has a great level of significance and importance to be displayed in the way that it is being displayed. An artist I have been looking at who has managed to achieve this and looks at this within his practice is Robert Therrien especially with his work titled ‘Objects and Stories’.
The work is rough in nature as I have used objects from the garden to frame and house the artwork itself. So in some ways I dislike the rough squint nature of the frame but then again I have some appreciation and like for it as it is all entering the garden and a natural environment.
I really like the shadows that have been crated in the above and below images. I have created a short video just exploring and playing around with the object in the like with the shadow on the wall.
I would like to further develop the idea of a shadow being created. Playing with it on a larger scale and developing it into something less ridged and more free so it can move and interact with the changing weather conditions and elements.