A book titled ‘Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours: Adapted to Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Anatomy and the Arts’ by P. Smye. This Book was recommended to me as I am exploring the process of using natural and organic dying methods. all I can say is since I bought the book I haven’t put it down, I have been obsessed with all the different colours that can be created through the use of natural materials. It’s simply fascinating.

I wanted to keep the colour pallet slightly limited only selecting four to five colours as to not overcomplicate things and make the end workshop run far smoother.

I want colours that are going to evoke feelings and thoughts. The same goes for scents I want scent to some how play a part in the process or/ and end artwork. The following colours below are ones I have chosen to predominantly work with throughout the collaboration.


The colour blue represents freedom, sensitivity, imagination and intuition. Blue also stands for loyalty, stability, trust and confidence. The colour blue at first has connotations of sadness and loneliness but once you dig deeper the colour is bold and courageous.


The colour of the sun. Yellow is a colour that is mainly associated with happiness and is a colour that is full of hope, positivity and friendship. The colour can also be rather alarming and can be shocking at first with it also being associated with danger and hazards much like the colours orange and red.


Purple represents the spirituality, bravery and wisdom. Lighter shades of the colour can be associated with romantic energies. In contrast darker shades are associated with sadness and frustration much like darker shades of blue.


This colour is associated with warmth and joy as well as enthusiasm and creativity. Although darker shades can be associated with danger and destruction.

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