7th January 2022

After looking at Phyllida Barlow I decided to experiment and incorporate some colour. I wanted the colours to be bright, bold and vibrant much like Barlow’s work grabbing the attention of the viewer creating an automatic connection between the two.

untitled, by Phyllida Barlow

The colour is to represent the life that once was there and has been taken by mankind. In a way life in these ransacked locations is still present just in an abstract sense as the life of nature has been replaced with the life of mankind.

A4, Oil Pastel

I really like the fluidity of these artworks as the inspiration and basis of these were taken from some sound extracts sent over by Kayleigh listening to the beat and rhythm in the music.

I am extremely happy with the way that these artworks have turned out through the old elaborate use of colour. Although, as much as I think these are successful artworks the colours don’t really fit well with the direction of the project. I now know that going forward I need to keep the colour pallet paired back to natural earthy tones.

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