Performance artist Tinsel Edwards and her friends refer theirselves as The Fairies, becoming immersed in their practice making it part of everyday life. When leaving the house the fairies would wear a pair of fairy wings interacting with the public and being what reactions and thoughts this provoked.
Wearing the fairy wings became part of their everyday routine and part of them. The responses that Tinsel got from the public and shared with us was interesting as the responses varied depending on the part of the world they were in and the audience they were targeting.
Personally I think the main themes within Tinsels art is giving the public and audience a shock turning everyday tasks and jobs into a performance such as when the fairies dressed up as traffic wardens sticking parking tickets to peoples windscreens. This was just after a recession in the UK but the packets actually housed free art prints over the dreaded parking ticket.
Tinsels work mixes shock factor with humour looking at politics and major issues such as parking tickets etc and this is her way of getting these important topics across to her audience in a humorous way.
personally performance art isn’t for me. I have never really fully understood it and I don’t know if I ever will. Although, Tinsel Edwards takes her daily life and incorporates it into the life and routine of members of the public creating a connection between the two.
Also, the way in which Edwards and The Fairies manage to gather an audience and the importance of there action in relation to their subject matter. Enabling them to immerse theirselves in contemporary art focusing on political issues is incredibly important for developing their style and areas of focus.