Ugg-non Resolved

Continuing to look at shapes and shadows and my partners miss pronunciation of the word onion was a natural progression for my practice as it has enabled me to have more flexibility playing around with circles contorting and merging them together. I managed this through using onion segments to print onto paper leaving behind slanted circles. This was a big risk for me to take as the use of onion fragments (which are fragile in nature) could have ended badly and not resulted in the successful final result. Using onion fragments ultimately allowed me to further explore my fascination in the natural environment and the introduction of natural elements to my work. The painter Oscar Kokoshka has helped me explore the idea of distortion and manipulation when it comes to painting, which I practiced throughout the development. Though constant self-reflection and analysis this has gave me a newfound confidence, passion and ability to manipulate and distort my media in any way I wish.

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