Phyllida Barlow is an artist that is influenced by everyday objects that people are surrounded by in everyday life. Barlow uses an interesting and unusual combination of materials ranging from fabric, wood and tar to create her artworks.

Barlow’s work is large in scale filling a space and/ or room and as the artist has said herself the artwork is having to ‘argue with space’ pushing the boundaries of size and scale making you as a viewer feel extremely small when standing next to such a dominating artwork.

Barlow’s work has a free-flowing and organic in nature with bright bold uses of colour making her work extremely distinctive and unique and this is what made her work stand out to me with the bold use of colour, shape and contrasting materials.

I like the fluidity and rigidity of the above artwork and the way it looks controlled but also as if it has been left to its own devices and is an ever evolving art form taking new angles and forms. I like the bright use of colour and the contrast that it has with the dark pieces of wood supporting the long pieces of fabric. I would like to try and incorporate some bold colours into my art and see where it goes.

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