After looking at the spaces in and around the plants in the garden I wanted to continue to analyse the delicate structure and the play with the idea of preservation. Two of my all time favourite plants are both Foxgloves and Anemones after deciding to work with them I wanted this artwork and exercise to be quick and simple. In this case the simpler the better.

After researching all of the different types of zines you can have such as accordion which is what I went for in the end. Before that I wasn’t too sure where to exactly go so decided to segment and divide the image up seen below.

The decision behind the use of brown paper was the natural elements that it holds and also how it plays homage to the soil that it came from. the image below is the two zines side by side with the Foxglove (left) and Anemone (right) being housed in some cartridge paper holders which were also handmade.

Out of the two zines above my favourite is by far the Anemone zine on the left, the simple eight fold zine with the Anemone covering five of the eight squares. This then means that this one image can be manipulated to translate different images to whom ever uses it. In contrast I feel as though the foxglove zine has lost the aesthetics quality in comparison to the Anemone zine.

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